Promotional poster for an Agile education weekend titled "Droplets of Agility for a Joyce’full Education" in Skiathos, Greece from August 30th to September 1st, 2024. Join us for an enriching experience that combines the beauty of Skiathos with transformative learning.

Agile education weekend from August 30th to September 1st 2024 : Droplets of Agility for a Joyce’full Education

Hey there, free-range children‘s parents, mentors and educators!

Are you ready to infuse your teaching methods with an extra splash of joy and innovation? At Joyce ‘n’ Fun, we believe in creating vibrant communities where learning is as exhilarating as a day at the beach. We’re thrilled to invite you to our special event:

What ?

“Droplets of Agility for a Joyce’full Education” Agile education weekend

Who ?

For parents and youth workers of any age with or without their children, 


On the magical mountain of the beautiful island of Skiathos, Greece, in our newly-established farm, Joy’ce Kingdom

When ?

From August 30th to September 1st 2024
(Early arrival or late departure always possible in our ongoing hub)

Accomodation ?

Wild camping style, in the nature, in your tents (spots in tents, caravans and vans might be provided depending on availability) or other type of accomodation, compost toilets, outdoor showers

How to arrive ?

Here are some options for getting to Skiathos:

  1. Direct Flight from Athens: The easiest way is to check which days there are flights from Athens to Skiathos and plan your arrival in Athens accordingly. While it might be slightly more expensive than taking the bus and boat, it’s definitely more convenient.

  2. Bus and Boat from Athens: The second easiest way is to take a bus from Athens to Mantoudi and catch a boat to Skiathos. When booking your bus ticket, remember that the port is called Kymasi—don’t head to the village of Mantoudi! Alternatively, boats also depart from Agios Konstantinos and Volos. You can check the schedules for all these routes on Openseas. 

  3. Boats from Thessaloniki: Seajet’s Speedrunner offers service from Thessaloniki to Skiathos. Check the Openseas website for the latest updates on this route.

  4. Charter Flights: During the summer, there are charter flights directly to Skiathos or Volos from England, Italy, France, Germany and more. It’s worth checking these options as well!

What will happen ?

Andreas and Stella, our dynamic duo of Agile aficionados, are gearing up to share their wisdom on Agile tools with you. Whether you’re an experienced educator or new to this methodology, this weekend promises to be an enlightening journey for everyone involved—including kids!

Imagine spending three days immersed in nature’s beauty, surrounded by like-minded individuals who are passionate about progressive education. From energizing scrum sessions to creative activity planning, you’ll experience firsthand how Agile methodologies can transform educational practices.

Why You Should Join Us

Hands-On Learning

Andreas and Stella will guide you through practical applications of Agile tools. You’ll have the chance to dive into real-life scenarios designed by scrum—an interactive way to see these methodologies in action!

Collaborative Environment

Everyone is encouraged to suggest activities regardless of age or experience. This inclusive approach ensures that every voice is heard and valued, fostering a community spirit that aligns perfectly with the ethos of Joyce ‘n’ Fun.

Nature’s Classroom

Our sanctuary in Greece offers a unique backdrop for this event. While most activities will take place amidst wild nature, you might also get a refreshing afternoon at the beach—because learning should be fun and rejuvenating!

Family-Friendly Atmosphere

Bring along your family! This event isn’t just for educators; it’s designed for families too. Your kids will have plenty of opportunities to engage and learn through play, making it a truly enriching experience for all.

What You’ll Gain

Innovative Strategies: Learn cutting-edge Agile techniques that can revolutionize your approach to education.

Community Connection: Build meaningful relationships with fellow educators and families who share your passion.

Practical Insights: Take home actionable insights that you can implement immediately in your educational settings and your family’s daily life.

Joyful Memories: Create unforgettable memories in one of the most beautiful natural settings on Earth.

We pick you up at the port or airport and gather in the afternoon for a first introduction to the Joy’ce Kingdom, setting up tents, etc.
19:30 to 20:30 – Introduction circle and a brief presentation of agile
20:30 – Dinner


07:30 – 08:30 morning work out – meditation (optional)

08:00 – 08:45 breakfast

09:00 – 09:45 morning circle and scrum (sharing and day planning)

10:00 – 11:30  1st morning slot

11:30 – 12:00    Refreshment and fruits

12:00 – 13:30    2nd morning slot

14:00 – 15:00    Lunch

15:00 – 17:30    Siesta, handcrafts, storytelling (parents offering) 

17:30 – 18:00     Tea, coffee, snack

18:00 – 19:30    afternoon slot

19:30 – 20:00    evening circle

20:15 – 21:00    dinner

21:00 – 22:30    freestyle, hanging out together, chatting, making music

23:00 – 07:00    sleeping time (those awake respect resting hours)


Sunday’s schedule mirrors Saturday’s, with additional rides to the port and airport for departing participants.

At the end of the weekend, we’d be delighted to welcome you to our ongoing hub and/or invite you to join our next event! Just let us know if you’re interested !

Who are the trainers/facilitators ?

Stella and Andreas hugging

Andreas and Stella grew up in the 80s, when neighborhood culture in Greece was still thriving, even in cities. This supportive environment gave them a strong foundation, though they gradually became aware of the societal expectations and conditioning around them. After years of following the conventional path, they chose to break away and forge their own, driven by their love for nature.

The birth of their daughter, Zoe, inspired them to leave city life behind entirely. They built a small home using natural building techniques and embarked on a journey of self-reinvention. This led to the creation of the Hara-Goe project, a holistic experiment in living that blends education, culture, and art. Through this project, Andreas and Stella are dedicated to fostering community, creating networks, and exploring life in a more connected and meaningful way. 

More info here : the people – the Hara-Goe project (

How much does it cost ?

The suggested contribution for the weekend is 60 euros for adults and 30 euros for children. This includes a tent pitch (we can provide one if you don’t have your own – for those less familiar with tents, there’s also the option to rent a caravan), breakfast, and two vegan/vegetarian meals made with love by our amazing cook. It also covers all materials for crafts and activities, along with a small contribution to our cook and facilitators.

How do I apply ?

By filling THIS FORM before the 25th of August.y

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